Your Plants Need More Than Just Sun and Water

We learned as kids that plants just take a little water and a little sunshine and presto, they magically produce delicious tomatoes and corn and food for the world … well, turns out it’s a little more involved than that. We don’t need to go into a PhD-level biology...

How to Find Great Compost for Your Garden

There are some BAD compost products out there. In order to find a great compost for your garden, we’re going to help you use two of your keen senses: sight and smell. First, what’s the compost look like? You want the compost to have a crumbly structure somewhat...

Plant Your Tomatoes DEEP for Optimal Growing

Did you know tomato plants can grow roots from far up their stalks? You bet they can, so bury them deep! First, if you’re growing your tomatoes in the ground, massage that soil! Break up the soil “Amish style,” with no rototillers or machines. Get our your spade or...