It’s no secret, spending time with friends is good for you! But did you know that plants have friends too? Placing compatible plants next to each other allows them to benefit the company. This strategy, known as companion planting, helps deter pests, increase the...
Back in December, we held a story contest to honor some good folks doing great things with our products. The prize? A wheelbarrow full of garden goodies destined to the most vote-catching submission. Many of you entered stories and many of you voted. (Awesome!) We...
WINTER IS COMING. But we need not take on such a “Stark” tone … Thanks to Full Circle, it’s easy to winterize your garden while ALSO getting it ready for some AMAZING spring planting! We’re talking maximum growth next season. In just 2 steps!...
The age old debate arises: are chemical or all-natural composts and soils better? Should gardeners and growers being using chemical or all-natural composts and soils? Are chemical or all-natural composts and soils more healthy? These questions dive deep into the...
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