Hey you Nevada home owners looking to add Xeriscape to your abode! Part 2 of this multi-part blog series walking you through the steps of the Xeriscape Nevada process is here! The River School Farm team has finished planting and mulching the front yard of this Reno, Nevada rental house. Let’s take a look.

Xeriscape plants ready to go in the ground in Reno.

Xeriscape plants ready to go in the ground in Reno.

Wow! Look at all of those plants just wanting to get planted in that freshly BOOSTED soil!

Plants, on plants, on plants ready to plant!

Plants, on plants, on plants ready to plant!

There are soon many plants being added to this Xeriscape Nevada project in Reno. To see a list of the plants, please visit Part 1 with a full list of all of the edible and non-edible plants being added to this yard in Reno, NV.

Xeriscape Nevada with mulch, drip irrigation in place and pathways built. Almost done.

Xeriscape Nevada with mulch, drip irrigation in place and pathways built. Almost done.

This yard is almost ready to turn heads, make these neighbors jealous, be the most beautiful on the block, and increase the value of this home! We are doing this while also being drought tolerant, full of nutrition, and supporting plants that love Nevada (just like we do)! Xeriscape Nevada with Full Circle Soils & Compost and the River School Farm is off to a good start.

Xeriscape Nevada Looking GOOD!

Xeriscape Nevada Looking GOOD!

The project is almost complete! Already the difference from the yard in Part 1 to this Xeriscape Nevada front yard is dramatic! Once these plants start growing with the wildly productive soils, composts and mulches that were applied and mixed into the native soil, landscape glory will be made!

All that is left is for the team to add the pathways and make sure everything is in working order. Part 3 of the blog post will show end result pictures and go over the entire project. Happy growing!