
Soil Testing Year Over Year With Reno Food Systems & The University of Nevada, Reno


There are three very important components when it comes to growing lush plants, delicious produce, and keeping your plants as green and healthy as can be. Can you guess what those three things are? That’s right! Water, sun, and soil!

Here at Full Circle Compost, we’re all about these three plant-loving things, but especially the health, quality, and stability of soil! It’s what we like to call ourselves experts in, and we sure have the soil science to ensure that your garden and growing areas thrive–soil testing!

The Full Circle soil experts have been working with two of our favorite northern Nevada growers for years, Reno Food Systems and the University of Nevada, Reno. We’ve been testing their soil, developing custom compost blends for their needs, adjusting where necessary, and, of course, watching their gardens and landscapes grow the healthiest and happiest they ever have!


What Is Soil Testing?

Soil testing is the very first step in growing healthy, lush, quality crops, and landscapes! At Full Circle, we offer soil testing science, and it’s easy!

Having a soil sample taken from your land, tested by a certified lab and analyzed by an expert soil scientist from Full Circle can lead to more than simply knowing what nutrients your soil may be lacking. A professional soil analysis can also help you be more efficient by learning exactly what kind and how much of an all-natural soil amendment is necessary to optimize your existing soil for happy, healthy, lush growing.

  • Get your soil tested by a certified lab and analyzed by an expert soil scientist from Full Circle.
  • Learn what nutrients in your soil are too high or too low.
  • Know EXACTLY what is needed to optimize your existing soil!


What Soil Testing Can Do For Your Garden, Your Landscape, Your Wallet

There’s no question that soil testing can do wonders for your plants, but another special perk is that soil testing can also be fantastic for your wallet!

After testing your soil, determining what your garden or growing area is thirsty for, and providing those necessary nutrients year after year, your soil will have its health back and will stabilize itself. What does this mean exactly? Well, after a soil analysis, many of our clients discover they actually need less product than they initially believed, which saves them money, boosts their results and vastly improves their growing conditions.


Reno Food Systems

We’ve been working with Reno Food Systems since 2017, testing their soil, developing custom blends, and watching just how fantastic their soil is becoming after years of nurturing it back to health! When we started working with them in 2017, their soil struggled and now it’s back on track and is growing gardens like crazy. They’re on their way to the best soil possible and their latest test came back with tons of improvement compared to our first test 5 years ago.

Check out their soil comparison from 2017 to now. What an improvement!

Comparative Soil Analysis Reno Food Systems – Parks (1)

After analyzing their recent soil test, the Compost King at Full Circle made 2021 recommendations for what to do next, how to make their soil the best it can be!

We would treat everything this season with our BOOST Soil Amendment. BOOST has a little bit of everything in it and will cover any balancing in both areas. Below is the full list of ingredients.

  • Plot #2 only needs an upkeep application of 1/8″ to the rows only. 1 yard covers 2,700 sq ft so 9 yards would do it for all 26,000 sq ft. If there is more budget mid season, you could do another 1/8″ application in June around the plants.
  • The new area at 12,000 sq ft could use BOOST at 1/2″. 1 cubic yard would cover 675 sq ft so 17 yards. This could also be done at what you can afford. If 1/4″ works, then you need 9 yards.


University of Nevada, Reno

Like we said, Full Circle Compost has been working with the University of Nevada, Reno for years as well. We’ve been treating their quad and landscapes with custom compost blends, and the comparisons are unbelievable!

All of this success was done by testing their soil year after year and adjusting their custom blends for the best possible results.


Get Your Soil Tested!

Get your garden or landscape soil tested to get results like these! 👇 Visit our Soil Test page for more information.