Take Your Indoor Planting Skills Outdoors With Full Circle’s Growing Challenge


Are you the most rockin’ indoor plant parent this side of the Mississippi? Go you, we love to see plants thrive

There’s no question that indoor plants and outdoor ones require a different style of plant parenting. While you have to find a nice, bright open window to keep your indoor plants, the sun definitely isn’t as hard to find outside. And then there’s the fact that it probably doesn’t snow inside on your indoor plants–at least we hope it doesn’t, in that case you may have a roof problem–but with your outdoor plants you’ve got to keep the weather in mind. 

If you’ve already nailed your indoor plant game, now’s the time to spread your gardening wings and take advantage of the outdoor growing and gardening season too! You can do it, and we’ll tell you exactly how. Come on plant parent, up your outdoor growing game with Level 2 of Full Circle’s Growing Challenge.


Where To Start and What To Use In Your Outdoor Garden

Soil, it’s where to always start! Quality, nutrient-rich soil is the ultimate foundation for healthy, thriving plants. At Full Circle Soils & Compost, we have all kinds of plant-loving products to help your plants grow big and tall … but you have to use them each correctly, in the right growing areas, amounts, and environments, to get the very best results.

KICK Garden Soil

KICK Garden Soil is 4 topsoils, blended with our premium humus based compost, and a 50 lb (20 ingredient) all-natural mineral and nutrient package. KICK should be used in your larger growing areas–raised beds, landscapes, and with the native northern Nevada ground. 

Just fill up your area or raised beds, plant, and water. KICK should have plenty of nutrition for your garden for at least a season.

SOAR Potting Soil

SOAR Potting Mix has a base of premium peat moss and pumice, blended with our humus based compost, and a 100 lb (20 ingredient) all-natural mineral and nutrient package. SOAR has plenty of nutrition for your container plants and wine barrels for at least a season.

Just fill up your pots or wine barrels, plant, and water. 

BOOST Soil Amendment

Our BOOST Soil Amendment is our premium humus based compost with a 100 lb (20 ingredient) mineral and nutrient package specific to Nevada soils. You can use BOOST on landscapes, lawns, flowers, trees, shrubs, and gardens, and the best part is a little bit of BOOST goes a long way!

Just spread 1/4″ inch of BOOST, rake, and water.

PROTECT Fertile Mulch

Now that you’re earning our outdoor plant parent badge, you’d got to be conscious of the water, weather, and elements that can (and will) affect your plants. This Fertile Mulch has superpowers: it suppresses weeds, withstands wind, fights fire, and shields your soil. Plus, a quality mulch like PROTECT helps the soil retain water (and helps gardeners water less)!

Just spread a cozy, 1-inch-deep layer of PROTECT around your garden, trees, shrubs, flowers, and roses.

PUNCH Plant Probiotic

As an indoor plant pro, you might’ve used our PUNCH Plant Probiotic to liven up your indoor greens. As an all-natural worm “brew” for your plants, this high quality vermicompost is made by our family of hard-working composting worms and contains billions of beneficial microorganisms for your plants to enjoy.

Just mix a gallon of water with 3oz of PUNCH and spray your plants once every two weeks.



Watch Out For Pests

Our very Farmer Craig shows how easy it is to control pests on your outdoor plants and veggies organically! By dusting them with Diatomaceous Earth (DE), you can say bye-bye to unwanted bugs. The best part is, even though it kills bugs, it is safe for humans and for our plants, it won’t do any harm to either of us! That’s right, you can even eat it as a detoxifier … amazing stuff. All you need is some DE and a duster to dust your plants. 


Keep Up With The Seasons

Just like we tuck our summer clothes away and pull out the warm stuff for winter, our plants and growing areas need to be prepped for the seasons too. Two of the most important seasonal things you can do for your garden areas are to winterize and springify it!


Winterize Your Garden

After the growing season has come to an end and the cooler weather begins to set in, you’ll want to winterize your garden, garden beds, lawns, and landscapes. Winterizing ensures your growing areas have a nice cozy blanket of protection and nutrients all winter long, so they have the opportunity to grow green like crazy when the warm weather comes around the next year.

Step 1: BOOST It! BOOST your soil with a ¼-inch layer of our beyond-organic compost.

Step 2: PROTECT It! PROTECT those nutrients with a nice, cozy 1-inch blanket of our superpowered, biomassive mulch.


Springify Your Garden

Right before springtime hits is the perfect time to start the planning process to kick your garden into gear for the upcoming growing season.

Around the month of March, you should be … 

  • Building some raised gardening beds
  • Filling those raised beds with KICK Garden Soil
  • Topping any existing soil, wherever it may be, with BOOST Soil Amendment
  • And planning out all the fun things you’re going to grow for the year!


Build Your Own Raised Garden Beds, Too!

Raised garden beds are a great option for backyard gardening. They’re not only beautiful to grow thriving plants inside, but they also …

  • Allow for better water drainage
  • Ensure a longer growing season
  • Conserve gardening materials
  • Are easy, beautifully maintained gardening spaces

You can choose to build your own raised garden beds from new materials, like lumber from your local home improvement store, or using recycled materials, like the scrap wood, metal, or hay bales you have laying around your yard or behind your shed. 

Once you have your raised beds build, just fill them up with Full Circle’s KICK Garden Soil and get to gardening!

Check out our blog on Building Your Raised Beds & Kicking Your Garden Into Gear!


Not Sure What To Plant?

Deciding on what to plant in your garden can be confusing for new outdoor gardeners. How will eggplant do in your backyard? Do you really need twelve zucchini plants? And what will you do with all the produce you’re bound to harvest this year after this challenge? A salsa garden is a great place to start.

For new outdoor gardeners who also love salsa, this is perfect for you! Focus your garden around the most delicious salsa-ingredients you can find. Tomatoes, onions, and peppers, oh my!

All of these vegetables can be grown in raised garden beds, gardening pots like wine barrels, or right in the ground with the help of Full Circle’s plantastic products. And the best part is, when it comes time to harvest, you’re going to have the most delicious, garden-fresh salsa to share!


Hey, Indoor Plant Parent … Up Your Outdoor Growing Game!

So, what do you say? Are you ready to take your indoor plant parenting to the next level and starting parenting outdoor plants, landscapes, and gardens too? 

Let us know how Level 2 of Full Circle’s Growing Challenge goes for you, and take that next step in plant parenting!