The age old debate arises: are chemical or all-natural composts and soils better? Should gardeners and growers being using chemical or all-natural composts and soils? Are chemical or all-natural composts and soils more healthy? These questions dive deep into the fundamental debate between the use of chemical or all-natural compost and soil products in growing scenarios.
This topic is building more and more momentum as the organic growing movement and demand for organically grown products increases. Well, here at Full Circle Soils & Compost, we stumbled upon a very interesting test trial that will blow your mind and help you make an informed decision between chemical or all-natural composts and soils FOREVER!
Our test trial began as a simple test to see if our products performed better than “that stuff they say is a miracle and grows.” The test came to a grinding halt; however, we discovered some evidence even more astonishing. The image at the top of the blog showcases the simple trial. Strawberry plants started in SOAR Potting Mix from Full Circle Soils & Compost (on the left) and “that stuff they say is a miracle and grows.” The trial started out simple: plant some strawberries, see what grew best. And then……

Deer eats the strawberry plants on the left (grown in the all-natural mix) and does not eat the chemical strawberry plants on the right!!!!
A deer ate the strawberry plants!!! At first we were so mad, yelling, “you darn deer always messing up our test trials and running havoc.” And then we were like, “Hmmmmm very interesting.” The deer only ate the strawberries grown in the all-natural mix on the left.
There are thousands of stories of animals having a “six-sense.” Dogs saving people from a burning buildings. Animals leaving before the tsunami hit. Well now they are at it again. Deer only eating strawberry plants grown in all-natural compost and soil mixes and not even touching the strawberry plants in the chemical based mixed. Wooooahhhh. Now if that isn’t Mother Nature telling us something about chemical vs all-natural composts and soils, than the Farmer’s Almanac was written by Dr Seuss.
Here is another view:
Even though deer are a huge pain in gardeners butts and ruin many an amazing garden. Deer may be the true validation system and testers of actual nutrient density in soil and plants. It is not always what your plants look like on the outside but what your plants and veggies have on the inside. Being a team of agriculturalists and farmers, sometimes the most complicated of debates and soil science explanations can be understood through simple acts of nature.
Get those hands in the dirt and grow something all-natural!