Below we’ve debunked some composting myths and exposed some truths behind the world of composting (and using compost for bountiful growing). We’ll continue to add to this list, so check back often!
Compost Myths:
All compost is the same.
After years and years and years of composting here at Full Circle Soils & Compost, we know firsthand that producing the highest quality product is a complex, time-consuming, carefully monitored process. Most producers of compost only subject their organic matter (aka feedstocks) to a short phase of decomposition, bag it and sell it to you, claiming it’s compost … it’s NOT.
At Full Circle Soils & Compost, however, our feedstocks are put through the entire composting process, which includes ample time for decomposition, humification and stabilization. This insures our customers receive a biologically-humified, thermophillically-sanitized product that provides the greatest value for their dollar, their soil and their plants. It’s the combination of our recipe and our process that consistently delivers the highest quality compost products available anywhere.
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Cow Poop and Horse Poop IS Compost.
Scientifically, “compost” isn’t even a thing. “Composting” is the name of the process. And, if done correctly, “humus” is the name of the end product (not the humus you dip pita chips in … a different kind of humus). See, composting is a microbially-driven process that breaks down organic matter—like cow and horse poop—and then builds that material into humus, thus making it truly and immediately available for plants to use. Overall, scientists have identified as many as 1,000 different benefits from humus in the soil! So, no, cow and horse poop is not “compost” or “humus.” It’s the organic material that can be digested by microbes to become “humus.” We know it can be confusing. Because most people refer to “humus” as “compost,” we’re OK with calling the end product “compost” too.
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Applying compost is the same as applying raw organic matter like manure, straw or wood.
Organic matter—like manure, fruit rinds, old vegetables or wood scraps—is not plant food until it’s passed through the stomach of a microbe. So, the value of raw organic matter applied to your growing area is only determined by the “digestive capacity” of your soil. Most soils have inadequate digestive capacity. A mature, developed soil will have the greatest capacity to digest raw organic material and turn it into plant food, though this is usually a lengthy process. Our Boost humified compost has already passed through the stomachs of infinite microbes and is ready for your plants to feast. Plus, our Boost helps fix your soil, putting more natural microbes into your soil ecosystem, which is highly beneficial to the plants you grow there.
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If a little compost is good, then more must be better!
Too much of a good thing is no longer a good thing! GOOD compost, like the Boost humified compost we produce, is extremely concentrated and exceptionally nutritious for your soil—if used properly.
Think about this: You wouldn’t make frozen orange juice without water, right? That can of frozen orange juice is extremely concentrated. Unless you combine it with the appropriate amount of water, it’s not only going to taste terrible, but the dense sugar levels make it less nutritious as well. The same goes for compost; you don’t want to use compost without soil. It’s all about the ratio.
With our Boost, a little goes a looooooooooong way, which makes it a very cost-effective product … as well as one that’s light years beyond any conventional compost product you can find.
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