Does Your Soil Have What Your Plants & Landscape Are Craving?
A Soil Test Is The First Step To Growing Healthy, Lush, Quality Crops & Landscapes!
Full Circle Compost makes it easy to test your soil, get results, and have your test analyzed by the soil experts here at Full Circle.
We’ve partnered with our preferred soil science lab, International Ag Labs, to get our fellow growing and gardening friends accurate, in-depth soil analyses. Once our Full Circlers receive their soil results, the Full Circle crew is happy to look over your results for free and recommend exactly what kind and how much of an all-natural soil amendment is necessary to optimize your existing soil for happy, healthy, lush growing!
For many of our soil testers, we will develop a custom blend packed full of the nutrients your growing areas are thirsty for–Full Circle stocks over 30 all-natural soil amendments to blend with our premium humus base compost for site specific solutions. For others, we may happily recommend one of our plantastic products that already has the minerals and nutrients to balance out your soil just right!

After a soil analysis, many of our clients discover they actually need less product than they initially believed, which saves them money, boosts their results, and vastly improves their growing conditions.